Sunday, September 7, 2008

The new bed, etc.

I don't know how we did it before. The new bed is so wonderful. I have pillow lined up all around me and I can move to any position and kick up my leg and never even touch O'Hara! (I only mean that in a comfort way...we usually get so hot when we're sleeping from being so close.) We have some other new pieces of furniture, too. Thanks, Kathy & Al!
Labor Day weekend at Pawleys was really nice. The weather was great and we relaxed, read, ate, watched football. I miss the beach already! I think we're gonna try and get back down there next month. This past week was good. I had supper with Rachel, Meredith, & Julie at Birds on a Wire one was good to get out of the house and hang with the girls. We went to Ellen & Jeff''s Friday night for a little while after watching 2 TERRIBLE movies. Sat. O'Hara went dove hunting and got his limit, and I went to mom's house and hung out all day long with Ellen & the kids. Today is Rally Day at the church and so we'll do Sunday school, church, and a dinner afterwards. I am not feeling great this morning. I am obviously coming down with a chest cold. Yuck!
One final note on the upcoming election. I have to say this because Ibelieve it. The choice is so PAINFULLY clear, people. With either nominee, there will certainly be change. But do you really want that change to be in the form of MORE government? I am not a socialist and I do not want my kids growing up in a world where they are taught that there is a ceiling for them. ..that no matter how successful they want to become, they cannot without being told exactly how the fruits of their labor are to be spent. I consider myself a conservative. I used to be way more liberal. I voted for Kerry. But, the Lord has changed that for me. How could I vote for more government when they are trying to take God out of it? It makes me so sad to think that people are buying this Obama nonsense. Sure, he is a good speaker. He's attractive. His kids are cute. His wife is beautiful. Even at Saddleback Church his interview went well. UNTIL McCain got up there and showed him how to answer a question. McCain/Palin is the only choice here. And Gov. Palin is so awesome. What a leader! She seems like just what this country needs...a strong female with family values. I am not usually a politics talker. I don't like debating and getting into back and forths about what I know is right and what someone else thinks they know is right. And that's all I'm going to say about it.

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