Sunday, October 5, 2008

Baby Howard

Well, so we have made it to 12 weeks and so we wanted to let you know that there will be a baby Howard come April!
I have been pretty, not too much mornig sickness. But, the doctor says that in pregnancy, your immune system is not nearly as strong as it usually is. So the baby stays good and strong, I must suffer the junk: hints all the infections and cold, and virus, etc. Please pray for me and the baby. I have been pretty down lately...not feeling well enough to get out and enjoy the world. In the next few weeks I expect to feel better and less pooped out!
We are both thrilled to death! I can't wait to find out if we'll have a girl or a boy! Shopping for little ones is so fun. And we are also looking forward to fixing up the nursery! We have already had 2 ultrasounds and we're having another one tomorrow. Doc says I may have a fibroid on my uterus and they want to check that out. I'll let you know. Then I'm scheduled for another one on the 16th. From the other ultrasounds, the baby looks perfect and the heartbeat looks and sounds strong! We are so blessed! God is good!!!!!!

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