I can't believe that tomorrow is August. Time is flying by. I haven't blogged in a while, so here goes with what's been happening. (Don't get real excited, just regular life stuff.) I have no pictures because I can never remember to take any. Maybe one day I will become a fabulous photographer who documents every life moment on film. But I doubt it. I think the camera gets used more regularly when there are children involved.
Anyway, I came home from Pawleys and I miss it already. It is so neat to have a great place to congregate as a family and relax together. Bluegenes holds such a special spot in all of our hearts. Even dad has been loving it down there lately! It's rented for August, but look out September!!
I've been hanging out with Ellen & Jeff plenty. I really like living down the street. Ellen has borrowed Andrea's Wii, so I've been over at her house playing dance dance revolution and working up a sweat! I still want one for our house.
We had the Rickenbaker family reunion in O-burg a couple weekends ago. It was nice to see so many relatives, and to see & hear that everyone is doing well. O'Hara was welcomed big time. I think he enjoyed it. I got deathly ill after and it took us nearly 4 hours to get home. Ouch. Thanks alot, mac & cheese!! Then I took a nap and we went to Elizabeth Peterson's engagement party. That was super nice and the flowers gorgeous!! It was a beautiful party!
Last Fri. we stayed in the neighborhood: went to Leah's for Whitney's b-day celebration and then to Dale's. He bought a house one block up from us, and it is really nice! Sat we woke up and headed to the Lake condo. We relaxed, looked through O'Hara's family photos and keepsakes, went swimming. Then Kathy came over and we had supper. It was a good time. I think O & I plan on spending some more time out there. It's 30 min. from home and it still feels like a retreat.
Sunday night my car got broken into. Bummer. The jerks stole my brand new navigation system. And on top of that, I've had little shards of glass in my skin all week. Just a little reminder of the incident. Anyway, it wasn't the first time, but hopefully it was the last.
We have replaced all of the light fixtures downstairs. Yay! Thanks Big O & my O!! And we finally have a dining room table. This whole house thing is a constant work in progress!
I don't think we have plans for this weekend, so maybe I'll do something creative! I went through all the boxes from the Rosewood house and found a bunch of arts & crafts stuff. I don't know what kinda project to dive into, but it sounds like a great idea!