Friday, July 11, 2008

The road between Pawleys & Columbia

is getting plenty of action from the Chase family. We all came home from Pawleys Tues. afternoon and we're all heading back today, less O'Hara and Precious. My main goal for the next few days at the beach is to eat considerably less. I have packed on many pounds this summer and I feel pretty gross. So, the goal is to eat more whole foods, less often, read and be more active!!! We had so much fun playing the Wii at the beach that I want one for home really bad. I want to get that Wii fit. Also, prettymuch all the sports games! That counts for exercise, right? Well, I sure get sweaty so that can't be a bad thing!
Last post I said I'd put up pictures of the 4th of July and my birthday, but I didn't end up taking any pictures. We'll see if I can remember this time.

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