Monday, August 31, 2009

Where are the teeth?

She's drooling and chewing and putting everything in her mouth, but no sign of teeth yet. She's got tough little jaws, though. It hurts if she gets your finger in her mouth! (Imagine me breastfeeding!) Ouch!

She won't take a bottle. I want her to take it now and she won't do it. Isn't that something? I FINALLY am ready to make the switch and she pitches a fit!

Wednesday will be her first visit to a nursery--- the drop-in at Eastminster. I have to get my hair cut.
I am upset about it. But it has to be done. I'll fill you in on how that all goes down.

This past weekend I stayed at mom & dad's. O'Hara went to Charleston and I was afraid to stay alone. It was a nice time and it sure is great to not have to really pack anything to go over there! There's already a crib, diapers, wipes, toys, baby towels & washcloths, clothes, a swing, highchair, meds, pacis, bottles, formula, baby food, bowls, spoons, cereal....I could really go on and on! Mom just buys what I buy so she'll have it all at her house, too. (She also has some stuff from Chasie & Parker.) It's wonderful!

This upcoming weekend we are headed to Pawleys for Labor Day. I am excited because Maren will likely enjoy this visit more than the last times. We will be able to take her out on the beach a little more. Yay!
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