Pictures from Memorial Day weekend at Pawleys
Well, not a lot has been accomplished since Sunday. I have been feeling sick with a tummy bug. But I am feeling much better today. Ellen, Jeff & Chasey went to Kentucky for a horse show and so I kept Parker yesterday and I'm still waiting for him to wake up today! He's such a cute little mess! Who knows what I can think up for us to do today...it's gonna be 98 degress. Yuck!
Can we please put a pool in our backyard? I really would want to go outside more if I know I could take a dunk once I started to sweat. I do like being outside. I just prefer for it to be around 70-80 degrees. Maybe Hawaii is a great place for me to live afterall.
I think today is Lali's last day as a Chase-Howard. We decided that another family may find her loudness a bit more endearing than we do. Let's pray that she will find a good home. Birds are so smart and fickle. I hope she will bond with another the way she has with me. I will miss her.
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