Monday, June 9, 2008

not much going on

This one'll be short.

Things I've got going on this week:
-dr.'s apt.
-take Chasey to swim lessons
-watch Parker
-clean Rosewood house
-stay cool

What I'm getting excited about:
-hearing about Kathy's trip to Africa
-closing on the Prentice house
-getting a dining room table & sideboard
-the premier of Nasheville Star
-getting to be at Pawleys for much of July!

What I'm sad about:
-Lali not being here
-the heat
-my lack of work

I'll get some pictures up here of the house next post!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

i miss you!! hope you are having a good tuesday. hope kathy took lots of pix, i bet the trip was amazing!